OncoEMR — Key Features and User Reviews

OncoEMR is an Oncology-specific electronic medical record (EMR). Because OncoEMR is web-based, practices can save money by not spending on typical IT tasks like server installation and maintenance, system upgrades, and desktop support. In addition, OncoEMRs’ data centers manage all software and data, and you can access the system via a web browser.
OncoEMR Software — Main Benefits
Oncology-specific Features
OncoEMR was explicitly created for Oncology practices, so it includes everything you’ll need, from NCCN chemotherapy order templates to AJCC disease characteristics. Furthermore, the program is designed specifically for oncology, making it simple to create diagnostic and therapy tools.
Patient Portal
OncoEMR also has a patient portal that sends out appointment reminders, so you may concentrate on other elements of your practice while still providing high-quality care. Furthermore, the OncoEMR interface reduces no-shows and last-minute cancellations, increasing revenue for your medical practice. During the OncoEMR demo, you can navigate across the portal.
Electronic Prescription
OncoEMR’s e-Prescription tool gives you more flexibility and efficiency at a lesser cost. This program will allow you to send prescriptions to your patients’ preferred pharmacies, resulting in better patient care and clinical outcomes. The software also sends out real-time alerts regarding potential drug interactions and allergies. During the OncoEMR demo, you can try this functionality in a real-time healthcare scenario.
OncoEMR Price
The price of OncoEMR has not been made public. This is standard procedure for software manufacturers and service providers. However, you can get a quote from the vendor through the website.
OncoEMR Demo
We strongly suggest you schedule a demo before purchasing OncoEMR from the seller. The demonstration is required since seeing the device in action will assist you in deciding whether or not to buy it for your practice. In addition, a Practice Management system also integrates with the top rated emr software. Hence, you can use the demo to try out the many practice management software features.
OncoEMR Reviews
- The software is simple to use and specialty-specific. As a result, you can rapidly learn how to use the numerous OncoEMR capabilities.
- The medical information about the patient is given in a logical and easy-to-understand format.
- Keeping track of specialty laboratories on a flow sheet might be difficult.
Our Two Bits
OncoEMR software is a good option for Oncologists seeking an EMR because of its specialty-specific experience and modern software deployment approach. However, we encourage scheduling an OncoEMR demo before purchasing the program for your Oncology practice. This will allow you to determine whether OncoEMR is the best solution for your practice’s needs. You may also learn more about the software’s features and tools by reading OncoEMR reviews online.