How Athena Medical Software Can Help You Manage Your Practice Better
How an EHR can Help you Manage your Medical Practice
If you are thinking about employing a medical EHR software at your medical practice then we want to help you out in terms of deciding whether Athena Medical Software is relevant to your needs. There are plenty of medical EHR software available out there, and we want to talk in detail about Athena Medical Software to help you decide whether or not this software would be relevant for you and your needs. With an EHR software these days you can practically manage any aspect of your practice; from patient information management to making bills, these days EHR software can do almost anything.
We will talk about Athena Medical Software and how this software particularly can help you in taking care of your needs.
Features in an Athena Medical Software
Patient Portal for Better Communication
Having a patient portal in your medical EHR software is not just great for your patients but also very beneficial for you. This is because with Athena Medical Software your patients have a patient portal they can log on to and schedule their own appointments, keep up with upcoming appointments, sign documents and pay bills among other things. While patients find this convenient, it happens to be very beneficial for you as well because you do not have to do as much administrative work as you did before. You do not have to schedule appointments, send appointment reminders and more because of the fact that Athena Medical Software does it all for you.
Clinical Summaries to Help with Diagnosis and Treatment
Clinical summaries are essential when it comes to treating your patients. Being able to complete clinical summaries quickly is also of the utmost importance because it helps fasten the process of treating your patients. The encounter summary produced by this software upon your patient appointment, helps make bullet points of everything of importance during the meeting. This feature of Athena Medical Software helps you diagnose and treat patients better since all their information is available to you immediately.
E-Prescription Features for your Ease
With an e-prescription feature you are able to make prescriptions virtually for your patients at any time and also authorize refills without your patient even having to come into your medical practice. This feature is very helpful, since it is very convenient and allows both you and your patient to be able to enjoy the convenience of not being bound to come into your office just to pick up a prescription paper. Other than that, Athena Medical Software’s e-prescription feature also looks and accounts for any kind of drug interactions that you should know about so that everything is safe and sound for you.
Centralized Dashboard for Easy Workflow
The other great feature with Athena Medical Software that you are able to use is the workflow dashboard which is incredibly convenient for you to use. The software has a dashboard which several Athena Medical Software reviews talk about being very easy to navigate through. This means you can essentially keep up with your patients, correspondence and tasks all from one centralized location. You no longer have to flounder at all since every feature of your software is available in one place. This feature of Athena Medical Software also helps you save a lot of time and effort.
Security and Safety Protocols
Having a secure EHR software is very important since it should comply with any national or regional laws and regulations that might be in place. Since medical software is used to house sensitive information, it is a given that the software needs to be very safe. With Athena Medical Software you have access to authorization management services. The user needs to have authorization at different levels to be able to access different types of information. All in all, this is a very secure platform that has everything in place to ensure that you are able to have a secure experience.
Final Thoughts; is Athena Medical Worth it?
Now you are probably wondering after all the things we have told you about Athena Medical Software if the software is worth its cost. Well, while we cannot outright recommend any medical EHR software to you unless we know the specifics of your medical practice and its needs, we can help you come to your own conclusion. You can make a list of all the features you would ideally want in a software and then compare that list to the features present in Athena Medical Software. Other than that, you can also ask the vendor for a Athena Medical Software demo to see what the software is like in practice. All in all, we are sure whatever decision you come to about Athena Medical Software, you will have made the right call for yourself and your medical practice.