AdvancedMD Demo; What to Expect
If you are currently considering AdvancedMD EHR Software as the software to employ in your medical practice then perhaps we can help you. In this piece, we will tell you about various features in this software that are great and worth looking into. Keep reading in order to find out whether or not this software would be the right choice for your practice.
Features of AdvancedMD to Look Out For
Appointment Scheduling Feature
The first feature we recommend you check out in your AdvancedMD demo is the appointment scheduling feature which makes everything super easy in terms of optimizing your daily work schedule.
Billing has Never Been Simpler
With AdvancedMD EMR software you are able to make billing much more easily since the software automates the process and helps you avoid mistakes which allows you to get bills reimbursed much more often and much faster.
Patient Portal to Help Ease Administrative Duties
The patient portal feature allows patients to take control of their treatment with you. From scheduling their own appointments to looking at future appointments and much more. This allows you to keep things simple!
E-Prescription for Easier Patient Care
The e-prescription feature warns you about any unwanted drug interactions which helps keep you and your patient a lot safer and also provides you with an easy way to keep track of prescriptions.
Claims Approval in No Time at All
The claims feature in AdvancedMD EMR software also allows for you to be able to look at claims easily. You can automate the claim filing process which helps you to get claims approved both much more quickly and also more often.
Should you Invest in AdvancedMD EHR
As we have mentioned several times in this piece, you should ask for a demo of the software to have a better idea about it so that you know whether the software is the right choice for you having once seen it in action. Getting an AdvancedMD demo would be incredibly helpful for you to come to a decision!
And finally, we recommend making a list of features you would ideally want in an EHR software so you can see whether or not this software is the right choice for you and matches what you ideally would want in an EHR software.